100% Powering Fast-Growing Brands
to Skyrocket with Digital Marketing
Win this Digital Competition

Total Population 276.4 Million
Active Social Media Users

Main Reason Using Social Media
Finding Inspiration for Things to Do & Buy

Time Using Social Media
3H 18M per User per Day

Number of People Purchasing Consumer Goods via Internet
178.9 Million
Why Choose M.E. ?
Since 2013, M.E. has successfully improved the value of more than 500+ clients, from locals to international.
As a part of official TikTok Shop Partner, and Meta Business Partner, we are here to provide a one-stop solution Digital Marketing Services to accelerate your brand by being “top of mind” in the competition!
Our Services
Key Solutions for Optimizing Your Brand’s Growth
Some of Our Best Works
From a Total of Hundreds of Clients!
Meet Your Success With Us!
Just Like Them!
Curated and Presented
For You Who Want to Grow More!
Bisnis Stagnan? Lakukan ini agar Bisnis Kamu Kembali Berkembang!
Menghadapi situasi bisnis yang stagnan tentu menjadi tantangan besar! Penjualan tidak bergerak naik, brand awareness tidak meningkat & target pasar terasa sulit dijangkau. Jika hal ini terjadi, bisa jadi strategi pemasaran kamu membutuhkan pembaruan. Kunci keluar...

Landing Page Bisnis Jadi Kunci Sales Meningkat Drastis
Berbisnis online bukan hanya berbicara tentang eksis di internet saja! Namun, juga bagaimana kamu...

Awas Salah Pasang Iklan Instagram Bikin Bisnis Boncos Melulu!
Berharap dapatkan cuan lewat iklan, tapi kok malah bakar duit sepanjang jalan?! Platform media...

Memiliki banyak pengikut di sosial media adalah pencapaian membanggakan bagi setiap brand. Namun,...

High-five from the City of Heroes!
Hello! We have been a reputable one-stop solution Creative Agency based in Surabaya since 2013. Our goal is improving your brand’s value by applying M.E. 10 year’s experiences with the right digital marketing strategies.
We are also supported by our sister companies, Foremost Collective and GETSETGO, to provide you complete services, from branding, social media management, marketing services, and brand activation. M.E. has handled more than 500+ clients from Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali, and foreign countries.

M.E. Social Media Management
Professional social media partner and digital marketing agency.

Foremost Collective
Multidisciplinary design agency from branding, website,packaging, photo & video.

Get Set Go
Brand activation specialist for organizing event and community gathering.

Professional Team

Projects Done

Satisfied Customer
Let’s MEtamorph
your brand now!
Congratulations! Claim FREE 30 Minutes Business Consultation with #MEgateam now!